New results in fundamental physics
Center of Transfinity Researches, 220036 st. Zamkovaja 3, Zaslavl, Belarus
Last 30 years the development of physics has allowed to deep essentially our representations about a reality. We have now some new facts:
- The opportunity of velocities which are greater than the velocity of light in vacuum is proved.
- Structural model of the light particles is constructed, according to which, their components have the sizes essentially more little, than the nuclear sizes.
- The variant of association micro and macro theories is found, which allows apply the experience, which has been saved up in a macrocosm, for the analysis of micro objects and micro processes.
- The uniform model for electromagnetism and gravitation is created.
- All specified results are incorporated into a brief volume of fundamental physics.
The further activity can be directed to the creation of qualitatively new technologies and technical devices. They will allow lift power, medicine and education on a new level.
Now it is possible to indicate the directions of activity attractive in scientific and commercial senses....
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