Фундаментальная  наука

  • Galilee-lorentz sygroup in relativistic electrodynamics

    To prove that relaxation processes of the frequency and the velocity change in relativistic electrodynamics are coordinated with the parametrical system of the non isomorphic groups, which is named Galilee-Lorentz sygroup More→

  • Generalization of the classical electrodynamics

    To make some changes in classical electrodynamics and receive the description of the relativistic effects without use of the special relativity theory and without the velocity restrictions.... More→

  • To the hydrodynamics model of the microdynamics

    Atoms and molecules are described by Schrödinger equation. The physical assumption, that they are made of a thin matter -- pramatter, attracts the construction of the models, capable to consider this circumstance. We will show that the hydrodynamics model of the micro dynamics from which generalised Schrödinger equation follows is possible. More→

  • Structural model of the light particles

    To prove, that experimental data in relativistic classical Maxvell's electrodynamics can be described without the special relativity theory, in the model of macroscopically Newton's space and time. It will allow removing the restriction on the construction of mechanical models for the light particles. To find the mathematical and physical arguments for construction such model. To deduce the formula for the light particles energy. More→

  • Physical model of the gravitation

    To investigate the possibility of the microscopic matter interaction with the macroscopic matter in the form of the gravitation interaction.  To construct mathematical model which agree with the experiments. More→


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Galilee-lorentz sygroup in relativistic electrodynamics


To prove that relaxation processes of the frequency and the velocity change in relativistic electrodynamics are coordinated with the parametrical system of the non isomorphic groups, which is named Galilee-Lorentz sygroup. To investigate the properties of the Galilee-Lorentz sygroup, containing these groups.

Physical aspects of the new approach

In Einstein kinematical model of the relativistic electrodynamics effects the behavior of the field is kinematical coordinated with the change of its frequency. The system of kinematical conditions is transitive under the influence of the Lorentz group.

In my dynamic model of the relativistic effects in electrodynamics the behavior of the field velocity is dynamical coordinated with the change of its frequency. Changes occur in the form of the relaxation process depending of the rate of refraction n and of the rate of relation w.

In this variant the phenomenon parameters vary from some initial values which symmetry at w=0 corresponds to the group Galilee, to some final values which correspond at w=1 to the Lorentz group.

Galilee-Lorentz sygroup gives dynamic dependence of the velocity  ν' from the velocity v if magnitudes  n , w are changing:


Mathematical aspects of the approach

In a considered case the model of dynamic process symmetry connects the pair of the non isomorphic symmetries. In electrodynamics without the velocity limit this connection is provided by means of the rate of the refraction n and the rate of the relation w.

We can take the generalised transformations of coordinate differentials:

dx'=γdx-udt, dt'=γdt-uwc2n2dx,


They include the relative velocity  for the pair of the observers, the rate of the refraction  and the rate of the relation.........Full text→

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